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Whelton Hiutin Settles Landmark Case on Police Lock-up Conditions in Northern Ontario

On Monday March 20, 2017, Whelton Hiutin LLP partners Richard Macklin and Neil Wilson finalized a ground-breaking settlement.  The settlement pertains to a civil suit regarding a tragic death that resulted from what were asserted to be grossly inadequate police lock-up conditions in Northern Ontario.

The defendant police services board eventually admitted liability (subject to a contributory negligence pleading).  The main issue was the question of damages.  A significant award was obtained, based primarily on the deceased’s contributions to his extended family by way of expert hunting and fishing.  The scope of included family members was expanded based on cultural traditions in the North.

Thank you to Anthropology Professor Emeritus Paul Driben, of Lakehead University, Ronald Smith of Smith Forensics and Trisha Ashworth, of Fire Consulting Services Ltd., for their invaluable assistance.